Otherwise, the day has been good, and I had an awesome, hard workout at the gym after class. The treadmill is usually just too hard for me to do for long periods of time, but using Beyonce's music interval training really helped. I did a junkload of weights too, which I know I will be feeling tomorrow.
I'm not usually super hungry after rough workouts, so I made a smoothie to enjoy before I had an actual lunch.
Greeny goodness
Yeah, it's not an optical illusion, it really is green. I threw in some spinach at the end because it doesn't taste like anything and I have to get rid of it before it goes bad...
Jezzy offered company yesterday, but she's giving me entertainment today!
Caught in the act - and look at that tail!
Hope everybody is having a good day and staying active even with this nasty mcnast weather these days. -Claire
Wow, Claire, you are so cool!