Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Easy Cheezy Leftovers

I've just been craving cheeeeeez lately!  It's a good thing I went to Trader Joe's over the weekend and stocked up on two different kinds to keep me satisfied (for now...unlike how I will not be satisfied when I have any bread cravings in the next few days, since I recently ran out and forgot to get that at the grocery...awesome.)

Anyhoozy, lunch yesterday was a simple and salty "quesadilla" of sorts.

Cheese and tea, please!

It had to be a quickie lunch, so I pulled out two slices of "lite" provolone cheese and slapped 'em on a flour tortilla with some smoky salsa.  I heated that up in the microwave until the cheez was nice and gooey, folded it up, swallowed it whole and enjoyed that with a cup of apple cinnamon tea (I'm still on my "drink 3 cups of tea and 3 cups of water a day" kick...hopefully it'll become a habit!)

Breakfast today was SO good!

I was so HAPPLY to be eating this! (get it?....happy + apple...alright nevermind)

This mixture included:
  • Quick cook steel-cut oats
  • Two dashes of cinnamon
  • About half of an apple cut up into chunks
  • A handful of raisins
The combination of cinnamon raisins and apple was delightful! The apples not only added bursts of sweetness (explosions of sugary goodness!) throughout, but an an interesting texture, too. How apple-licious! (am I going to far with the apple comments?...too late)

My oatmeal breakfast was super filling, too, so I wasn't hungry until around 1 pm, right before class (and I mean I forgot to eat until, like, 4 minutes before class, so you can imagine that there was some frantic scarfing happening!) when I had to eat my quickie (again) lunch of a banana and flour-tortilla PBJ with raisins (since there was major scarfage, you can understand that I didn't have time for any pictures).

Dinnah was an interesting combination, too! Leftovers galore:

I ate in a garden, obviously...

Asparagus is one of my favorite veggies, so why does it always seem to happen that I find some in the back of my fridge that is threatening to go bad in like, 2 hours?? Anyways, this batch was still fine (although I don't think it would've been in another day...), so I sauteed it up in some olive oil, salt 'n peppah, and minced garlic. Then I heated up some leftover pesto tortellini (this stuff is the - Trader Joe's baby), melted a piece of my provolone cheez on top, and (this is the interesting part...) smeared a generous amount of roasted garlic hummus on the top. It was GREAT! Super salty, cheesy, and easy (oh yeah, I'm a poet).

Raspberry Zinger tea on the side added a nice sweet treat to the meal :)

So that was today and yesterday's eats...but we still have some good news on the way for you! Look out for it hopefully in the next two or three posts.

Have a great night friends! -Anna

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