Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Caffeine Fiend

Holla! Today is a coffee day. I like my tea, but on the occasion that I need a lot of caffeine, tea just won't cut it. Nothing wakes you up like a steaming cup of joe (or three...)! My coffee binge left me not super-hungry thus far, but I did start the day with overnight a jar! I saw so many bloggers doing this that I was waaay too happy when my jar of better n' peanut butter ran out. In the past this would have ended in tears. Anyhoo, I tried it out and it really didn't work out that well because I put way too much vanilla soymilk in it, but I corrected that this morning.

Overnight Oatmeal

It turned out yummy but for some reason I thought it was going to be a magical experience that would fully initiate me into the blogging world or, I'm in, right? Perhaps part of oatmeal-in-a-jar's fabulous-ness is in eating it from the jar, but I opted to put mine in a mug.

And I topped with the always sweet-tastic combo of walnuts, dried cranberries and apples!

Today might be full of leftovers, however, yesterday was chock-full of good eats!! I started off with cereal and bleewburries; not really special but still delish. I worked out hard after class and have been enjoying changing my workouts up still. Yesterday was 'leg day' and today my buns are so sore I can't even squat to sit down without a couple tears. I never think to do things like lunges unless I'm in a exercise class, but yesterday I was advised by my so-called friend (who is a college athlete...why did I listen?!) that if I want a really good workout I should incorporate squats and lunges....ouch. Leg day might be happening less frequently.
I had a smoothie after my workout, which was exciting because I bought a frozen fruit smoothie mix the other day, which I have wanted to try.


It was good but took a while to blend since everything was frozen so hard. The pre-mixed bag had mangos, pineapples (isn't this a weird word? I've always thought so), and strawberries, and then I put in a frozen 'naner and blueberries.

This was supposed to tide me over for a while but I was ready for lunch as soon as I chugged it, so I threw together a chickie salie:

I guess yesterday was a coffee day, too...

I spy with my little eye...a SALAD THIEF

and then I ended my meal with a banana filled with PB and walnuts...omahgah it was GOOD!


Seriously, go make this now. I don't know why it's so much better than just eating it on top, but making it a sandwich was so much tastier and more fun to eat!

I 'm pretty sure I just bummed around after this and watched lots of America's Next Top Model did some work. I don't even remember what I did, so it couldn't have been very important. I DO remember my dinner though, because it was faaaaab!

I joined a free website called Sparkpeople, which send emails with tips, recipes, and general weight-loss information. It's got good advice and provides a whole network where you can track yourself and see other people's goals and pointers. I don't do a lot of tracking, but I like to get their healthy recipes. Last week I received this recipe that involves skillet white beans, and I planned on making it for din since I had all the ingredients. And it was a success! Super easy, too.

I put mine on cauliflower instead of the linguine they suggest

I also added brussels sprouts because they rock.

Dang I ate a lot...oh, but I'm not done yet! I was STILL hungry and needed wanted a Reese's cup, but tried my best to pretend to resist the urge! I knew it was a fruitless fight, so I decided it was experimentation time. This resulted in me blending bananas with soy milk, ice cubes, and...a hot chocolate packet. Seriously, I don't even like chocolate, but I needed this Reese's-flavored concoction! Anyways, it turned out pretty tasty but pretty much fully liquid, so I threw it (but remember Anna's advice about "throwing" food) in da freeza.


Sorry, but I couldn't get pics from after it froze, because it all fell into my mouth before I could stop it. It only had time to dunk itself in loads of PB and finish the jar first. It was so good though!! I'm gonna have to do it again to perfect the recipe, but it totally satisfied my shweet toof and let me pretend like I was eating a Reese's.  And it was healthier AND more filling! Win-win-win situation. In hindsight, I might make it on a day where I didn't already eat 2 bananas, though...

My share of pump-it-up tunes will be coming soon to complete the list! You really should check out the songs you haven't heard of, because when I YouTubed some of Anna's selections I def found some songs I'll be crankin' in the gym.

Alright, I'm off! Have a fun-filled, ferociously-fierce day, folks. -Claire

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